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学术报告:Particle-based methods for complex fluid flows
发布人: 港航院     发布时间: 2017-06-30     访问次数: 310

       报告题目:Particle-based methods for complex fluid flows

       报  告  人:周艳 讲师 


       报告时间:2017年7月3日  上午10:30-12:00

       地       点:严恺馆502




       周艳,英国利物浦大学讲师(University of Liverpool),2016年获得伦敦城市大学(City University London)水动力博士学位,2011年本科毕业于武汉大学土木系。现主要从事流体动力数值模拟,开发粒子法(MLPG,SPH)针对复杂流态的计算方法,包括破碎波与结构物相互作用,多相流和流体与空隙介质的相互作用。

       A Lagrangian particle model based on the Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin method with Rankine source solution (MLPG_R) is proposed to simulate complex flows containing either a single fluid or two immiscible fluids. The single phase model is capable to capture wave breakings and their interactions with structures. By extending to multiphase flow, the model is applicable to fluids with a wide range of density ratio from 1.01 to 1000, capable of dealing with violent flow situations (e.g. breaking waves) and maintaining the sharp discontinuity of properties of the fluids at the interface. Fluid phases are coupled through implementing both dynamic and kinematic interface boundary conditions which is also extended to the simulation of flow through porous media.

港航院 供稿人:周春艳   
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