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Technical Survey with Students from University of Dundee
Graduate Students Participated OMAE2016
Professor Jinhai Zheng Won “Top Ten Pacesetter” Price
Professor David M. Paterson’s Seminar
Dean Zheng and others visited Fujian Marine Forecasts
An appointment ceremony of “Hohai Scholar”
Professor Yongping Chen with others Attended ICS
Professor Jinyu Sheng’s Seminar
The 1st Meeting of Academic Committee of Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Coast Ocean Resources Development and Environment Security
Academic Seminars on Harbour, Waterway, Coast and Offshore Engineering Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of HHU
The 4th Estuary Day Workshop
The 2nd Workshop of EFRaCC Project
NSFC-NWO Finial Meeting
Dean Zheng with other Supervisors Visited Joint Graduate Cultivation Bases
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