Professors Zheng Jinhai and Zhang Wei participated the NSFC-NWO final meeting Hosted by (NSFC) in Peking University from September 7-9. 7 research projects oriented in “Water Ways, Harbours, Estuaries and Coastal Engineering” were co-founded by NSFC and NWO in 2010. Applied by Professors Zheng and Hoitink, “Morphodynamic developments in distributary channel networks: impacts on flood hazards in the Pearl River Delta and the Rotterdam Rijnmond channel network” is one of them.
Supported by the project, 12 SCI papers were published in international journals, Marine Geology, Global and Planetary Change, Continental Shelf Research, Coastal Engineering, Geomorphology, Journal of Coastal Research etc. As one of the major team members, Professor Zhang were invited to Utrecht University and Wageningen University for cooperative research.