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Professor David R. Fuhrman of Danish University of Science and Technology was invited to participate in the online academic exchange activities
 Time: 2020-12-10     Hot: 759

On July 23, 2020, the Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education of Coastal Disaster and Protection,organized the online academic exchange expert report meeting of Series Lectures on Protection and Utilization of Estuarine and Coast. Invited by  Prof. Zheng jinhai, director of the Laboratory, Professor David R. Fuhrman of the technical university of Denmark, as the first report expert, gave an academic report entitled CFD of breaking waves and coastal dimensional transport using stabilized turbulence closure models. Vice dean Zhang Jisheng presided over the report meeting.

In this report, starting from the basic equations of turbulence simulation, the essential defects of over-prediction of turbulent kinetic energy (k) in the traditional CFD model (such as k-w model) are analyzed, and a new Stabilized turbulence model is developed by modifying dissipation rate (w). The new model has been applied to numerical simulation of coastal engineering such as wave breaking, tsunami simulation and large-scale beach profile evolution, and achieved good simulation results. The new turbulence stability model (stabRAS) and theory involved in this report have been adopted by the latest OpenFoam v1912 version, and have been well popularized and applied.

This report attracted 207 scholars from more than 20 academic institutions including China, Singapore, Denmark, Norway, the United States, Britain and Belgium. After the report, the participating scholars and Professor David R. Fuhrman had a heated discussion on the scientific issues in the report. In response to the requirements of some participants, the PPT(PDF version) of this report can be shared with everyone with the consent of the reporting experts. If one want to obtain the PPT report, please contact Sui Tiao (ttsui@hhu.edu.cn).

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