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Teachers and Students in our College Participated APAC 2017
 Time: 2017-12-07     Hot: 582

       The 9th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2017) was held in Pasay, Philippines during Oct. 19-21, 2017. More than 100 scholars from Asia & Pacific participated. The keynote speech “Non-hydrostatic numerical model for simulating estuarine and coastal hydrodynamics”given by vice-president ZHENG Jinhai announced the opening of the conference. Associate professor WANG Gang, Dr. FENG Xi and master student WANG Ya also participated and gave presentations titled “Trapped waves over the hyperbolic-cosine ocean ridge”, “Process-oriented numerical simulations on the storm induced semidiurnal perturbation to surges on the South Atlantic Bight”, “Numerical study onlayout optimization of tidal stream turbines in Zhoushan demonstration project”, respectively.


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