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Prof. Jinhai Zheng with others Attended the 1st Marine Hazard Mitigation Conference
 Time: 2015-01-06     Hot: 410

       The 1st Marine Hazard Mitigation Conference was held by National Marine Hazard Mitigation Service, Chinese Society for Oceanography, China Association of Oceanic Engineering and China Ocean Development Research Society in Beijing on December 17, 2014. About 300 participates from the government, State Oceanic Administration, local oceanic administrations, and related universities, institutes, companies attended the conference. Prof. Jinhai Zheng and Fumin Xu presented their research results titled “Data assimilation of typhoon-driven-wave spectrum and its application in wave forecast along Fujian coast” and “Numerical simulation of typhoon-driven-waves from East China Sea to Yangtze Estuary” by poster, respectively. Associate Prof. Aifeng Tao and Dr. Gang Wang gave presentations titled “Study on characteristics of freak wave along Jiangsu coast” and “Development and propagation of ocean tsunami and solutions”, respectively.


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